Monday, June 11, 2007

Man Convicted of Possession, Use, and Destruction of a Destructive and Irreplaceable Artifact
Historians will be hard-pressed to find cigarettes now:
one was stolen and smoked by a man who recently
turned himself in, leaving only three left in the world.
The 2nd Millenium N. America Museum in Raleigh, N. C.
was broken into on last Wedensday, the 6th of June. The
power for the security systems was diverted for a
strengthening of the perimiter at D.C., allowing the
criminal to break in with only a set of stilts and a
hammer. Earlier plans for a "spiked" radius for rare
artifacts are being reconsidered.
The criminal, a 53 year-old Swede named Marolgo,had
apparently "been really desperate for a smoke." As part
of a plea bargin, charges of breaking, entering, and grand
larceny were dropped, and Marolgo is currently serving
a 25-year combined sentence with a chance for parole in
15 years.
A request for a new cigarette to be manufactured was
sent by the head caretaker at the Museum. The response:
"We cannot, in good conscience, accept this request. Not
only would it divert cropland from food or timber, but
we do not want to encourage breaking and entering, or
For those of you too young to remember cigarettes,
people used to mix a flammable plant with a group of
toxic chemicals. The result, when condensed,
burned, and the smoke inhaled, was both pleasurable and
very addicting. Tobacco plants haven't been grown since
the Great Fall of Texas, but chilling rumors of a new
natural equivalent have started to run around.
--Xaiver Kubler, NMD news
Note: We make every effort to update this column every
Friday. We apologize that this edition was late due to
inclement weather.

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