Saturday, June 2, 2007

2050 Olympics will Not be Rural, Wherever They Are

Coordinator Jimina Lor has once and for all quashed
the rumors that the 2050 Olympics, now only three
years away, will be held outside.
"We thought that, since they've been indoors for so
long, the outdoor environment would be too difficult
for the athletes to preform well. However, ther'es a
good chance that it will happen in 2054, so be
prepared!" said Jimina
The decision concerning the location of the Olympics is
still in the final stages. Meanwhile, rival states Korea
and Japan have seen an increase in crime rate as rival
gangs square off over the confirmation process.
Currently, the frontrunner is Tokyo, with 3:1 odds.
Next is Seoul, with odds of 7:1. Other possible cities
include Reykjavik, Tripoli, and Luxemburg. Favored
candidate Boston was voted off last week.
--Arctica Chemit, NMD News


Kevin said...

So, Madison, perhaps you can explain to me exactly what the intent of this blog is?

I've read the posts, and if I had to guess I'd say it's a futuristic news blog concerning a world in which there are magic, high technology and world peace.

And by the way, I liked the articles; very interesting.


Agenes said...

It IS based in a futuristic world. But it's not what you'd expect, due to a..., well you have to figure it out yourself!