Friday, May 4, 2007

"Magician" Shoots Year-Old Hatchling with Level 3 Charge:
Dragon Recuperating in Magical Hut
This is a blow to the contreversial new sport
of dragon hunting--a young hunter is
currently being charged with attacking a
year-old dragon hatchling--protected in the
Uncharted Species Act--and two counts of
using a high powered spell without proof of
training. If found guilty, the minimum fine
is 10 cords of wood; the maximum is 30
"Just because Red Dragons are in season
doesen't mean hunters can shoot to kill.
Every licensed [hunter] knows that's
poaching." said Burya, the local chair for the
Offensive Magic Committee. "We all know
about the mating problems of dragons. In
fact, if dragons didn't have anti-magical
properties in their hides, we would prohibit
dragon battling completly." The difficulties
chairwoman Burya refers to are the fact
that dragons can only be hatched if
incubated in uncharted territory, and there's
very little last. Leading scientists of both
species are working together to mitigate this
When asked to comment, the hunter, who
requested anonymity for fear of being heckled,
said, "I thought that spell was apprentice level.""
This is suspect due to the title of the
"This fool was cluless, and the Leauge of
Dragon Hunters intends to distance itself
from him." said official spokesman Xecoro
in an official statement for the LoDH. "We
know that dragons are a sentit species,
and we are not looking to kill. We are
simply looking for a challenging combat
opponent." How this affects the LoDH
remains to be seen.
Unfortunatley, due to the logistics involved
in locating and tracking down two different
dragons for interview, we are unable to get
the parental perspective. This website will,
however, consult the injured the hatchling
as soon as its vocal cords recover and
develop. In accordance with Elder Dragon
Tradition, it has not yet been named.
--Verdish Rhode, NMD news

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Editor;
The poor dragon! I do hope that the young man is punished severely. But please, do edit more carefully. Some of the article was...difficult to understand. But thank you for bringing wonderful news each week!