Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Side-by-Side Sports Events Represent Great Coordination--FPS's beat out RPG's by 8,641 points
As those of us who eagerly participate in sports--
electronic or real-world, active or passive--know, the
splitscreen broadcast of the Electromarathon and the
first annual Gamer's Ultimate Tournament (GUT) was
a huge, huge success. Due to the broadcasting style,
it's hard to tell which was more successful, but we do
know that there was a longer line for the
Electromarathon--mainly due to the lack of available
For sports fans, the Great Retreat was a very dismal
event. Because there is rarely a large stock of
electricity, events involving mass spectators over a
wide geographical area--especially if they're watching
on an electrical apparatus--must be sparse, otherwise
electricity keeps running out. This spelled death for
video game tournaments, for the already sparse
sporting events (like the Olympics) are only for
entrenched sports. The fact that gaming equipment
use the precious resource in great amounts means
that even casual, private tournaments are regulated
to avoid power drains.
The solution? Create the electricity as they use it! The
sweat-intensive Electromarathon produced a
whopping 9,000 kilowatt-hours over a measly 8-hour
competition, with the winner making 52 kw/hrs with
one 30-minute triathalon. This electricity was piped
(partially) from the Electromarathon in Istanbul to
the GUT taking place in Anchorage, Alaska.
The Gamer's Ultimate Tournament had similar
successes, as champions from both sides of the Pacific
convened to represent their gaming genres.
Unfortunatly, an inordinatly small turnout by the
Racing competitors meant calcualting average score;
something helpful for the Brawl community but
problematic for RTS fans--so problematic, the
announcers speculated--that they would have placed
This event was not only a good day for the VEGC
lobby, but wonderful news for those who can't wait
for sports leauges to start broadcasting again. If a
sports industry that has yet to go professional can do
it, so can a sport with hordes of fans bored to tears
with their casual leauges around the dome.
--Arctica Chemit, NMD news

Friday, August 31, 2007

The new Movement will Require the New Power Routing--Adjust to no TV or Computer until End of Summer
As summer season grinds towards its peak and idle
thoughts turn to making a difference in the world,
we must realize that when we are intimatly
connected globally, our actions have global
ramifications--especially when that action involves
a global movement.
Summer is normally a time for fun and relaxation,
but most still attend work, the gym converter and
other important functions--even if only nominally.
However, the new "Summer Break" orginization,
orginized by one Bontula Grear, encourages an
entirley natural summer, without work, organized
excercise, and a complete social cutoff. Unfortunatley,
due to the popularity of this "wholesome" opportunity,
as well as the normal weaker attendence during
the summer season, has caused a strong drop in
electricity reserves. As if adding insult to injury, a
horde of birds chose that particular time to divebomb
multiple domes around the world in what seems to be
a highly coordinated attack.
What with the necessary diversion to defense
applications, and the surge in use by scientists trying
to understand this behaivor, many districts were
without power. CORnarDS has just come up with a
solution, though. They offer a splicer that carries
priorities. All vital electrical applications
(refrigerator, light bulbs, etc.) will have guaranteed
power the entire time, power diverted from the
nonvital side of the wire (TV, computer, etc.).
Hopefully, media attention and loss of power will stop
the movement, but be prepared to keep this going
until the end of August.
--Editorial by Pediscribe, June 13, 2007

Monday, June 11, 2007

Man Convicted of Possession, Use, and Destruction of a Destructive and Irreplaceable Artifact
Historians will be hard-pressed to find cigarettes now:
one was stolen and smoked by a man who recently
turned himself in, leaving only three left in the world.
The 2nd Millenium N. America Museum in Raleigh, N. C.
was broken into on last Wedensday, the 6th of June. The
power for the security systems was diverted for a
strengthening of the perimiter at D.C., allowing the
criminal to break in with only a set of stilts and a
hammer. Earlier plans for a "spiked" radius for rare
artifacts are being reconsidered.
The criminal, a 53 year-old Swede named Marolgo,had
apparently "been really desperate for a smoke." As part
of a plea bargin, charges of breaking, entering, and grand
larceny were dropped, and Marolgo is currently serving
a 25-year combined sentence with a chance for parole in
15 years.
A request for a new cigarette to be manufactured was
sent by the head caretaker at the Museum. The response:
"We cannot, in good conscience, accept this request. Not
only would it divert cropland from food or timber, but
we do not want to encourage breaking and entering, or
For those of you too young to remember cigarettes,
people used to mix a flammable plant with a group of
toxic chemicals. The result, when condensed,
burned, and the smoke inhaled, was both pleasurable and
very addicting. Tobacco plants haven't been grown since
the Great Fall of Texas, but chilling rumors of a new
natural equivalent have started to run around.
--Xaiver Kubler, NMD news
Note: We make every effort to update this column every
Friday. We apologize that this edition was late due to
inclement weather.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

2050 Olympics will Not be Rural, Wherever They Are

Coordinator Jimina Lor has once and for all quashed
the rumors that the 2050 Olympics, now only three
years away, will be held outside.
"We thought that, since they've been indoors for so
long, the outdoor environment would be too difficult
for the athletes to preform well. However, ther'es a
good chance that it will happen in 2054, so be
prepared!" said Jimina
The decision concerning the location of the Olympics is
still in the final stages. Meanwhile, rival states Korea
and Japan have seen an increase in crime rate as rival
gangs square off over the confirmation process.
Currently, the frontrunner is Tokyo, with 3:1 odds.
Next is Seoul, with odds of 7:1. Other possible cities
include Reykjavik, Tripoli, and Luxemburg. Favored
candidate Boston was voted off last week.
--Arctica Chemit, NMD News

Friday, May 25, 2007

Moscow Cracks Under Pressure, Dismantles Nukes--
"No Nukes Left" Celebrations Occur Across World
After the Great Retreat, almost every country
dismantled all their nuclear weapons, along with other
weapons of mass destruction. The idea of mass killing
in the new environment was simply too risky for the
human race. However, Moscow, claiming that "the
firepower was necessary, despite the circumstances.",
only dismantled part of their nuclear arsenal.
Ever since then, the EU, led by France and Germany,
have been negotiating nonstop for complete
disarmament. "Every [nuclear] warhead destroyed is a
sigh of relief from both all of humanity and the New
Earth.", said German representitive Kumata Port in
Recently, though, they have been resorting to more
dramatic measures, such as the "accidental" collapse
of the Russian Tunnel, which connects Finland,
St. Petersburg, and Moscow. The recent crack in the
outer dome, suffocating a year's worth of domesticated
farm animals, though, was the final humiliation.
Though all indications--as well as both France and the
EU--implicate radical terrorists, the graffiti found at
the scene indicates that the motive was the nuclear
Thus, the Russian president Murant Ruboni bowed to
the wishes of the international community, and his
home country, and signed the order for complete
disarmament. For the past five days, celebrations
have been seen all over, from Honolulu to Melbourne.
Here, in the Coloradian Dome, parties have been
enthusiastic, though permeated by rumors, which seem
to crop up every year or so, of black market weapons.
--Arctica Chemit, NMD News

Friday, May 18, 2007

Air Freshners Too Fresh?
Pennsylvanian Woman Denies Accusations of Frivolity
A subrural Pennsylivanian woman won a lawsuit
yesterday charging that the ingredients in
Reminisce!(tm) Air Qualifiers are "too fresh" and gave
her an allergic reaction.
"I know it sounds stupid, but it's not. When I powered
up the machine, I was hacking and wheezing inside
the dome. And this doesn't happen near city trees."
said Bolvia in her opening statement.
"Our qualifiers do not leak. As for some 'mystery
ingredient', I know we keep trade secrets, but we
changed the formula and tested it again. Now, the
plaintiff does not 'hack and wheeze'." said one
spokesman for the local brand of Reminisce!.
It has been rumored that Judge Harklett is satisfied
with the test results and will not grant punitive
damages, but this website was unable to confirm or
deny this rumor.
As for the allergen, doctors close to the case suspect
pollen. Pollen is a reproductive agent of many trees,
and thus smells like a fresh tree. However, it is also an
allergen, which is why most city trees have been
altered to use sap transfer to reproduce. And yes,
most wild trees do use pollen.
--Xarfax Socerico, NMD news

Friday, May 11, 2007

Mathematician Proves Time Travel Impossible--"Keep Hope Alive", says Tinkerer's Guild
A mathematician near the Chicago Radius
went public with his newest discovery--a proof
against time travel. Dr. Lumvatch, who you
might remember from his life-enhancing work
on air quality, announced his work two days
ago--and has been taking criticism ever since.
Dr. Lumvatch refused to comment.
Sina Korv, the leader of Restoring Critical
Conditions--or, as we know it, the RCClub, had
this to say: "Time travel was the only realistic
hope left for eliminating the domes. Now its
gone. What do we do now?"
Still, there is hope--at least according to the
Tinkerer's Guild: "Every mechanist worth his
weight in water knows thorough steps must be
taken to test every creation before it goes on
the market. Mistakes are easy to make, and one
could be found in Dr. Lumvatch's proof." says
Mr. Voyo, the spokesman for the Tinkerer's
MiG, or the Mathematicians in Governmnet
lobby, agrees. "In my opinion, Lumvatch made a
mistake, announcing [his proof] before peer
review. There's so much buzz we might have to
lock down the ports. It will take months to check
his proof, especially if the rumors that he used
the Wrigley 3 are true." said an anonymus
representitive of MiG.
The Wrigley 3 is a set of state-of-the-art
multiframes that is normally used for sports
statistics, odds, predictions, and the like. Usually
they're off-limits to the public, but famous
mathematicians and scientists, who use the
processing power for maintenance of the tunnels
and domes, are allowed access.
--Xaiver Kubler, NMD news

Friday, May 4, 2007

"Magician" Shoots Year-Old Hatchling with Level 3 Charge:
Dragon Recuperating in Magical Hut
This is a blow to the contreversial new sport
of dragon hunting--a young hunter is
currently being charged with attacking a
year-old dragon hatchling--protected in the
Uncharted Species Act--and two counts of
using a high powered spell without proof of
training. If found guilty, the minimum fine
is 10 cords of wood; the maximum is 30
"Just because Red Dragons are in season
doesen't mean hunters can shoot to kill.
Every licensed [hunter] knows that's
poaching." said Burya, the local chair for the
Offensive Magic Committee. "We all know
about the mating problems of dragons. In
fact, if dragons didn't have anti-magical
properties in their hides, we would prohibit
dragon battling completly." The difficulties
chairwoman Burya refers to are the fact
that dragons can only be hatched if
incubated in uncharted territory, and there's
very little last. Leading scientists of both
species are working together to mitigate this
When asked to comment, the hunter, who
requested anonymity for fear of being heckled,
said, "I thought that spell was apprentice level.""
This is suspect due to the title of the
"This fool was cluless, and the Leauge of
Dragon Hunters intends to distance itself
from him." said official spokesman Xecoro
in an official statement for the LoDH. "We
know that dragons are a sentit species,
and we are not looking to kill. We are
simply looking for a challenging combat
opponent." How this affects the LoDH
remains to be seen.
Unfortunatley, due to the logistics involved
in locating and tracking down two different
dragons for interview, we are unable to get
the parental perspective. This website will,
however, consult the injured the hatchling
as soon as its vocal cords recover and
develop. In accordance with Elder Dragon
Tradition, it has not yet been named.
--Verdish Rhode, NMD news